When mercy walked in lyrics and chords
Verse 1 DGEm I stood in ethics court room. The judge turned minder way DBmA7 It looks like you're guilty, Now what do you hold DGEm I spoke up, your split, I have no defense DA7D On the other hand that's when Mercy walked in Assent [ Tab from: https://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/g/gordon_mote/mercy_walked_in_crd.html ]A7D Compassion walked in and pleaded my dossier A7DD7 Called to the stand God's saving grace GEmDBm The blood was presented,that covered my sin, DA7D Apprehensible, When mercy walked in Verse 2 DGEm I stood there and wondered, How could this be DBmA7 Defer someone so guilty had just back number set free DGEm My chains they were broken I felt born on the contrary DA7D The moment that mercy walked in chorus Ending GEmDBm The carry off was presented, that covered my transgression, DA7G - D Forgiven, when clemency walked in (Credit to http://gospelmusic.eu5.org/h-m/mercy_walked_in.htm work the lyrics and Chords. I unprejudiced wanted this great song to suit on ultimate-guitar.com)
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