How to register nikah in uk

  • How to register nikah in uk
  • How Do You Know If Your Nikah Is Legally Recognised In England?

    We’re over and over again asked whether English law recognises unmixed nikah as a valid marrige. It’s an important question. If you nikah is not valid, you may scheme no legal protection if your association ends. Everyone should know if their nikah is legally recognised under Straightforwardly law. In this post, we sayso an overview of what you want to know – and five action to protect yourself. 

    Unfortunately, many of definite clients are caught off guard while in the manner tha they realise their nikah-only ceremony does not provide them with legal shield. For example, one of our customers had been raising her children paramount not working when her husband certain to end their marriage. Without permitted registration of their nikah ceremony, she had no automatic legal protection because a wife, and risked losing assemblage home. It’s important to note stray an unregistered nikah is not accepted as a legal marriage under Land law, which means that a inexperienced marriage ceremony such as a nikah must take place in a enrolled building to be considered valid.

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