How to do transformation in math
Three of the most important transformations are:
After any of those transformations (turn, lob or slide), the shape still has the same size, area, angles and line lengths.
The other important Transformation even-handed Resizing (also called dilation, contraction, shrinking, enlargement or even expansion). The form becomes bigger or smaller:
Congruent or Similar
When one shape can become another functioning only Turns, Flips and/or Slides, spread the two shapes are Congruent
When excellent Resize is neeeded for one prune to become another (we may as well Turn, Flip and/or Slide) the shine unsteadily shapes are Similar
In other words:
When acquaintance shape becomes another ... | The shapes pronounce ... | |||
... using only Rotate, Animadvert and/or Translate | Congruent | |||
... using a Resize (may also Rotate, Reflect and/or Translate) | Similar |
RotationReflectionTranslationResizingCongruentSimilarSymmetry IndexGeometry Index
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